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M*: Fund Flow Trends for 2017 In 7 Charts

FYI: With U.S. asset flow data for the first three quarters of 2017 in the bank, the trends are pretty clear: Investors love bond funds of just about all stripes, they’re choosing international stocks over U.S. stocks, and there’s no letup for the hemorrhaging of active funds. And then there's Vanguard.


  • One commentator for this article; although perhaps borrowing the thought from another source, presents the most likely scenario result from passage of the "tax legislation" relative to corporate taxation, IMHO. One of their investment choices may be worth observation, going forward, if the legislation passes.

    "With the tax plan progressing in congress and the good possibility of profits being repatriated, I'm wondering if this bull market hasn't another 2 or 3 years left to run. I'm looking at PKW (PowerShares Buyback Achievers Fund) because I believe rather than plowing cash into salaries, R&D or new plant and equipment, corporations are going to simply buyback shares which will effectively lower the P/E ratios of their stocks, thus benefiting stockholders, albeit not the US economy as a whole."
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