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In this Discussion

  • Ben November 2017
  • msf November 2017
Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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M*: Dodge & Cox: Built To Last

edited November 2017 in Fund Discussions
FYI: (The Linkster has always been a fan of this San Francisco treat.) (Speaking of funds to hold 10-15 years, how about DODGX and DODFX.)

Dodge & Cox sets a high bar for the asset-management industry. Its many investor-friendly attributes continue to earn the firm a Positive Parent Pillar rating.


  • I like them as well. Years ago, on the Friday after Thanksgiving, I decided to wander into their offices. Some people shop retail on Black Friday, I shop funds.

    Really nice views and nice people. But then I saw lots of Apple machines ready to be unboxed. If they were a growth shop, I could understand buying the sizzle. But they were supposed to be focusing on intrinsic value. Such a disappointment:-)
  • msf said:

    But then I saw lots of Apple machines ready to be unboxed. If they were a growth shop, I could understand buying the sizzle. But they were supposed to be focusing on intrinsic value. Such a disappointment:-)

    Maybe these were the previous year's models, acquired at a hefty discount.
  • Good point!
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