I usually enjoy Consuelo Mack's "WealthTrack" interviews that
@Ted links each week.
wealthtrack.com/-A 30 minute interview with fund managers on investment topics of the moment and Consuelo always asks "one investment for a long term portfolio?".
I also catch a local broadcast of The Ric Edelman's Radio Show,"The Truth About Money":
https://edelmanfinancial.com/radio-A call in show that discusses saving strategies, portfolio construction, retirement planning and a "soft sell" to their advisor services. They love the caller who spills their guts and then says "I don't know what I am doing". They are well intention with their second opinion. Seems like a good guy in the business (fiduciary and fee based advice).
Others:Financial Sense: Applying Common Sense to the Markets:
https://financialsense.com/-Seems to be an aggregate of information-Blogs, Videos, Podcasts- that highlight financial topics of the day
I thought maybe others might add their favorite source of online Financial Literacy.