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The Chink in the Armor of Retail -$1T of HY Debt is coming due Across all Industries

edited November 2017 in Fund Discussions
Retail only makes up 2% of the $1T of HY debt maturing over the next 5 years, but as an prior owner of FAIRX (large holding of SHLD) and an investor in FSRPX I've been paying close attention to Retail.

Why is Retail Struggling?
The root cause is that many of these long-standing chains are overloaded with debt—often from leveraged buyouts led by private equity firms. There are billions in borrowings on the balance sheets of troubled retailers, and sustaining that load is only going to become harder—even for healthy chains.

The debt coming due, along with America’s over-stored suburbs and the continued gains of online shopping, has all the makings of a disaster. The spillover will likely flow far and wide across the U.S. economy. There will be displaced low-income workers, shrinking local tax bases and investor losses on stocks, bonds and real estate. If today is considered a retail apocalypse, then what’s coming next could truly be scary.
Article (Bloomberg):
America’s ‘Retail Apocalypse’ Is Really Just Beginning


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