FYI: We sometimes like to look at the lighter side of capital markets. Or, in this case, the crispier, more tender side. Since the end of 1997, the CPI index for chicken is up about 50%. That may sound like a lot, but it’s actually right in-line with 2% inflation the Fed targets (of course, they target core PCE, which is a bit different from CPI, but that’s another story). Happily for white and dark meat lovers alike, consumers pay about 3% less for chicken than they did in March of 2015, when prices peaked. The interesting thing, though, is that wholesale chicken prices have been an entirely different story, especially for what we would argue are the best parts of the bird: high flavor, fun to eat, and imminently friable wings. As shown in the chart below, the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s price index for bulk chicken wing dock prices have risen by 200% since the same period in 1997.