FYI: (Click On Article Title At Top Of Google Search)
Every so often, you come across something at an antique store that makes you wonder: What on earth was that used for? Celery vases, for example. Celery used to be a novelty, so you bought special vases to display it. Other things, such as left-handed monkey wrenches, need more elaborate explanations, often provided by helpful sales people.
Which brings us to bear-market funds. They are remarkably popular, but do you need them? In most cases, no.
Ted,+but+how+do+you+use+them?+invest+news&oq=Bear+funds+prosper,+but+how+do+you+use+them?+invest+news&gs_l=psy-ab.3...4013.10530.0.10865.*: Bear Market Fund Returns:$FOCA$BM.aspx