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This should help the markets: A calm and considered response... UPDATED...

edited August 2017 in Off-Topic
Per the Wall Street Journal:

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump on Tuesday demanded North Korea not “make any more threats” to the U.S., saying the U.S. would respond “with the fire and the fury like the world has never seen.”

Link: Similar from The Guardian

UPDATE, Per the Wall Street Journal: (5:55 PM, EST)

North Korea Makes Rare Explicit, Specific Threat on Guam

North Korean Military “Carefully Examining” Operational Plan to Launch Missiles at Guam—North Korea

Kim Jong Ordered Guam Plan After U.S. Air Force Flyover—North Korea

Operational Plan “To Be Soon Reported to the Supreme Command”— North Korea

If Carried Out, U.S. Will Be “First To Experience the Might of the Strategic Weapons of the DPRK”—North Korea

North Korea Urges U.S. Not to “Regret Today in the Future”

OK, both of these nutjobs have lost it. NOW WHAT???


  • edited August 2017
    How much nuclear devastation can be fitted in-between golf rounds? Stay tuned, live from Bedminster.

    Dear Orange has met his equal in Dear Leader. Both are full of bluster and bloviation, relatively clueless about the world, and have their fingers on nuclear triggers.

    We are waaaaaay beyond whackadoodle land now.

    Edit: From an investment perspective, does anyone know which public companies sell iodide pills? ;/
  • For about 60 years, the nuclear powers have relied on the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction to maintain the peace. The premise is simple: you simply convince your opponents that you're precisely crazy enough to end the world if they push you too far.

    That's worked fairly well, even with nuclear-armed neighbors (India and Pakistan, for example) who have a fierce dislike of one another.

    My guess is that Mr. Trump has consciously chosen to mimic Mr. Kim's rhetorical style to help share the "you think you're crazy? Wait until you hear this" message. Mr. Kim's prime objective, I read, is to maintain his regime in power; his paranoid reckoning is that the best way to do that is to be too scary to mess with. Which, I suspect, is why the stock market's response to threatened apocalypse was a downward drift of 0.2%.

    And an (interesting?) aside, the US is forbidden by law from encouraging nuclear proliferation. Nonetheless, we have a long tradition of covertly slipping nuclear weapons safeguard technology (called Permissive Action Links, or PALs) to countries that have broken international law and acquired nuclear weapons. It seems to prudent thing to do, all the while playing "the crazy game."

  • I hope you're right David but nothing is certain other than chaos with either of those two wackadoodles. Peace, laws and logic seem way beyond their scope of comprehension.
  • edited August 2017
    It's all okay, no big deal, ha ha ha ha .... remember he's (still) new to this politics stuff....

    To quote C-3P0, "this isn't very reassuring." *bangs head*

    Trump’s Threat to North Korea Was Improvised


    BRIDGEWATER, N.J. — President Trump delivered his “fire and fury” threat to North Korea on Tuesday with arms folded, jaw set and eyes flitting on what appeared to be a single page of talking points set before him on the conference table at his New Jersey golf resort.

    The piece of paper, as it turned out, was a fact sheet on the opioid crisis he had come to talk about, and his ominous warning to Pyongyang was entirely improvised, according to several people with direct knowledge of what unfolded. In discussions with advisers beforehand, he had not run the specific language by them.

    The inflammatory words quickly escalated the confrontation with North Korea to a new, alarming level and were followed shortly by a new threat from North Korea to obliterate an American air base on Guam. In the hours since, the president’s advisers have sought to calm the situation, with Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson assuring Americans that they “should sleep at night” without worrying about an imminent war.

    But the president’s ad-libbed threat reflected an evolving and still unsettled approach to one of the most dangerous hot spots in the world as Mr. Trump and his team debate diplomatic, economic and military options.

    < - >
  • edited August 2017
    Thanks @rforno,

    Just scratching my head. The "statement" wasn't really all that coherent - especially the last part. I was going to suggest he hire a new speech writer (until you cleared it up).

    Normally, I'd be concerned about all the Generals he's got around him. But under the circumstances, guess it's better than the alternative.
  • edited August 2017
    I think Mattis-Kelly-McMaster are solid bulwarks against him totally going off the nuclear rails. But even if some of them take a principled stand, he can always fire them and others until he gets yes-folks to do his work ... be it fire Mueller or launch nukes or whatever.

    But I agree, this is scary times. It's like we're on the Titanic, we've hit the berg, and after running to the bridge for guidance on what to do to try and save the ship, we find Daffy Duck. (apologies to Daffy Duck)
    hank said:

    Thanks @rforno,

    Just scratching my head. The "statement" wasn't really all that coherent - especially the last part. I was going to suggest he hire a new speech writer - until you cleared it up.

    Normally, I'd be concerned about all the Generals he's got atound him. But under the circumstances, guess it's better than the alternative.

  • I fully expect N. Korea to execute another missile test, since our President warned against doing precisely that.
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