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Morningstar Instant Xray ... Askewed

I recently tried to use the basic Instant Xray tool but the entry page is now askew. The more Morningstar tries to fix something the more it becomes broken. Please, if it isn't broken don't try to fix it with a new and improved version.


  • The entire portfolio manager page was down, earlier tonight... Let me check, at 3:01 a.m. on 12th July: Ya, still mucked up.
  • @ Old_Skeet & Crash: When are you guys going to stop beating yourselves up and dump M* Xray ?
  • edited July 2017
    Hi @Ted,

    In answer to your question.

    When something else comes along that has a better report than Xray I'll switch but for now I use it as a management tool for review and positioning along with some of their other reports as well. Kind'a neat to input all my fund positions (47) and see how they all come together. If I wish to make changes within a sleeve I can easily view the proposed change(s) etc. before doing it. Could I live without it? Absoutely, but now that it is available I find that it offers beneficial information. I use to be a paying member of Morningstar; but, dropped my premium status due to their continued system issues along with their slowness to update day ending mutual fund prices. Morningstar's Xray and Portfolio Manager are not perfect by any means as they frequently have system issues which if they could resolve I am sure would add to their paying customer base.

    Seems the format was changed on the data entry page ... and, now nothing seems to work as no report will generate.

    Maybe, Russia keeps hacking their computer system? And, if they were to acknowledge this fact, most likely, a good number of their user base would flee.

  • @Old_Skeet: "Kind'a neat to input all my fund positions (47)", all I have to say Old
    _Skeet there is a special place for you in mutual fund heaven.
  • edited July 2017

    I put that "Kind'a neat ..." line in there just for you!

    My best,

  • Let's play nice.
  • edited July 2017

    Since, I posted that Xray was not working early this morning ... Well, it is now back to the old format and things seemed to be fixed.

    Thanks to those that made the short order "fix." Hopefully, it will last.

  • Well, I didn't askew but the whole dang shebang (hebang?) were done broke last night, but seems to be OK now.
  • Yup. Wednesday afternoon, up and running. Last night, while it was screwed-up, one could still look at individual funds, but not Portf. Manager. I get premium service through TRP, and am glad for it. Otherwise, i would certainly not pay for it. @Old_Skeet describes the state of affairs pretty well, further up the thread. Morningstar has simply stopped CARING about reporting day-end numbers promptly. The other functions are valuable. When looking at individual funds, we used to be able to see the actual dollars and cents rise or drop from day to day. Now, only the percentage rise or drop is reported. I would very much prefer to be able to see BOTH.
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