Looking at my tracker, I notice HSGFX currently priced at $6.66. The number
666 is sometimes considered a bad omen -
the sign of the beast - by superstitious people. However, if you like buying funds that have been beaten up (expecting a nice bounce) it could be a good omen in this case.

The fund is
down 7.76% YTD and 15.8% for 1 year.
I believe a lot can be learned by watching various investment styles over time - both those that succeed and those that fail. That's why I track the fund along with a half-dozen or so other funds. Out of fairness, here's Dr. Hussman's latest weekly commentary from July 3:
https://www.hussmanfunds.com/wmc/wmc170703.htmIn checking Hussman's more successful fund, HSTRX, I found it essentially flat both YTD and for 1 year. That one, as I recall, invests primarily in short-term T-Bills and seeks to enhance return with limited exposure to gold and utilities. The latter 2 often determine where the fund goes. Having a .79% ER, one can understand why it hasn't gained much in the current low interest rate environment.
Disclosure: I once owned both of the funds above, but haven't owned either for at least 10 years.
Related - Gold was hot for a couple months recently, rising to near $1280. It's tumbled over the past week and is now around $1215-$1225.
Fed-Speak seems to have much to do with its fortunes from time to time.
Generally agree with Maurice here. One exception might be if a fund is concentrated in a particular asset that you believe has been undervalued by the investment community. Even than, buying is a gamble.
I rarely read Hussman's analysis, but did detect in this one that he at least acknowledges having screwed up badly in '08-'09. He somehow believes (or wants us to believe): This time things are different.