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War Coming?



  • Howdy folks,


    The problem with any kind of war with North Korea is that ~25 MILLION South Koreans and ~50K US troops are within 25 miles of the DMZ. Anything hot starts - his fault, our fault, nobody's fault - millions of people are going to die. Period. This won't be one of those 'clean wars' that were so successful (i.e. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan). Let's see what did we accomplish . . . lot's of body bags and no geopolitical gains or solutions to problems.

    You cannot fight a clean war. You either go to war to you don't. If you go to war, that means you kill everything that moves - women, children, sheep, goats, cats and dogs. If it doesn't move - you blow it up. You keep doing this until the enemy rolls over on their back and surrenders. Nasty huh? Yeppers, about the nastiest thing us humans have every invented. Now if you're not willing to get this nasty - don't go to war. Invite your enemy over for dinner and have them bring their kids. Try to hook up the kids.

    We've got troops on the ground in over 100 countries around the WTF do we think we are?

    Blithering idiots.

    and so it goes,



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