I find it interesting that M* using two different performance charts depending on whether you are comparing ETFs to mutual funds or Mutual fund to ETFs.
M*'s ETF charts are based in (percentage performance over time) while their Mutual Fund charts are based in ($10,000 invested over time).
Below is a comparison of KWEB to MCDFX using the M*'s ETF chart and then I compare MCDFX to KWEB using the M*'s Mutual Fund chart.
Same data, different visual.
ETF Chart Format:
Mutual Fund Chart Format:
Help a simple minded person out...what is your take away??? Just a 3 second look at the graphs says, to me, that the ETF is a better performer than the MF??? Or is it a case of comparing apples to oranges??? Thanks!
Unless I am missing your point, is it not that etf charts are nav or close, no reinvestment, while mfund $10k-growth charts show reinvestment of everything? Compares apple vs apple tree.
I always start w mfund chart (some SP500 fund, say), and then add whatever I want to analyze. That's the (only) way to see $10k growth of CAPE or AOA or DVY compared w OAKBX and TWEIX, for example.
I am not smart enough to understand why the two chart styles, but thought posting this would evoke an answer. Sorry I just can only offer dumb questions and even dumber looks.
Your explanation might be correct.
I was commenting more on the comparison between the chart formats rather than funds. As davidmoran states, starting out researching a mutual fund will always lead to the "$10K growth format", where starting out researching an ETF will always lead to the "percentage growth format".
I may have too much time on my hands.
No dumb to it, just that the phrase 'percentage growth format' is probably misleading.
Think of watching Verizon stock price up and down over the last 15y, or indeed owning it and having divs etc. distributed to you every quarter or whatever; vs investing in it and having all divs reinvested and not touching it. Big big difference in the result.
But you know all that, I am sure.
Different people here strongly advocate the two different ways of doing this; some take their distributions, and others of us reinvest.
Why M* does not do $10k growth as an option for any entity is beyond me,