Well, chores are almost done, but a little time for fiddling with numbers.
In the chart: FRIFX , VGSIX , PETDX , CSRSX , IYR (I Shares etf) are compared for total return for the 10 year period starting with May, 2007 through April 28, 2017.
............... 10 year total return
--- PETDX = 98.8%
--- FRIFX = 86.8%
--- CSRSX = 59.7%
--- VGSIX = 57.6%
--- IYR = 42.4%
--- FRESX not in chart, but was similar to VGSIX and CSRSX
We've held FRIFX for a number of years; and have almost placed money into PETDX after beat downs here and there.
So, FRIFX is a unique real estate fund as it has maintained about a 50/50 of real estate equity and bonds since its birth. PETDX has used some of Pimco's magic sauce in its portfolio over the years. CRSRX is a long time decent return real estate fund more to what one may name as a more traditional equity fund in this sector. VGSIX and IYR are in the chart mix to represent other forms of real estate exposure.
A note about FRIFX ,as I have had a few folks view its category rank among other real estate funds as ask about the low ranking. Tis not the same as other RE funds, but must be in the M* category. Obviously, from the above returns; this fund is the tortoise and the hare race for a longer run.
When viewing the chart, take a look from the May, 2007 start to the bottom crash in March, 2009 and the large percent losses (% value shown along right side of chart, or hover the mouse pointer over a particular color line to obtain a date and % from the start point date of the chart).
Hoping some found this an interesting view of this sector.