FYI: A mutual fund exists for virtually any and all your investment needs in your retirement or other accounts. The challenge is in choosing the right one for your portfolio from the more than 8,000 mutual funds available.
The second annual IBD Best Mutual Fund Awards makes the task a lot easier. Every one of them has beaten its benchmark for the past one, three, five and 10 years — a feat that fewer than 4% of U.S. diversified stock and U.S. bond funds can claim.
Look at the list and see if you already own any of these top performers. If you don't, compare them to the ones you do own and see if they might make a better fit in your portfolio. If you're looking for a fund to start or add to your portfolio, this best-of-the best list is a great place to start.
WWWFX is substantially in cash right now. I've been waiting to buy this fund for a long time. Next correction it's going to be perfect for a trade.
Btw, I like it how IBD slipped in the word "best". Not the "outperforming", but rather, the "best".
Just plot it at 3-4-5y, and there's the answer to why not. But if you believe in the decisionmaker, sure. Same as CGMFX and Heebner. 'Twas ever thus. Gotta believe the manager's skills abide.