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Why Do Dimensional Fund Advisors Play Big Brother?

FYI: I got my driving license when I was 16 years old. It was my ticket to freedom. I could ask a girl to the movies and pick her up from her home. ­I no longer had to beg my dad for a ride. The license listed my height, weight and eye and hair color. But imagine if this were printed on the back:

“This driver is qualified to independently operate every brand of car with the exception of a Mazda. If he or she chooses to drive a Mazda, he or she must be accompanied by a professional Mazda-approved driver.”
If that were the case, Mazdas would have been mythic. Robert B. Cialdini wrote the bestselling book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. He says that when we can’t have something (or it’s tough to get) we often want it badly. Cialdini calls this the scarcity effect. It would have driven many of us mad for Mazdas. Dimensional Fund Advisors’ mutual funds are a lot like that. Retail investors can’t buy them directly. They can only acquire them through a DFA approved financial advisor.
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