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Ben Carlson: My Too Hard Pile

FYI: I finally got around to watching the Warren Buffett documentary on HBO last week. It was a tad on the slow side but if you’re a Buffett fan it’s worth watching.

At one point they showed a picture of his office which is fairly plain for one of the richest people on the planet. On the side of his desk, you can see a box with huge letters that reads, “TOO HARD.” Buffett is well known for his thoughts on staying within your circle of competence. In one of his old shareholder letters, he says, “The size of that circle is not very important; knowing its boundaries, however, is vital.”

It’s such a simple concept, but it can be extremely useful if you’re able to define those boundaries. This got me thinking about what falls in my too hard pile. Here’s what came to mind.
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