Don't trust those X-Ray numbers. Jesus, that place is like Amateur Hour. The pie-chart tells me I own 48% US equities, 7% foreign, and 38% bonds of all sorts, with 2% "other." I can sorta figure what "other" means.
The numbers tonight somehow struck me as hinky. So, in that other spot where the drill-down as to geographical weightings are shown, I added them up: 12.12% foreign--- that is to say, beyond North America. (USA and Canada, although in school, we learned that Mexico is included in North America. Anyhow, I've come to accept that re: this kinda stuff, Mexico gets thrown into "LATIN America." OK.) ... Morningstar tells me 87.88% of my stuff is in North America, and 48% is in the USA, if by "domestic," they mean USA! That means 39.88% in Canada. (This is equities, NOT bonds, mind you.) Along with 12.12% foreign, it comes to 100% (of equities.) But 7% is not even near 12.12%. ....So much for the value of the premium membership I get through TRP, because I hold X amount in my portfolio with TRP. Harumph. Crud. Can you say, "unreliable," boys and girls? I just KNEW you COULD.
Likewise, that 48% of your total portfolio in the US means that 48%/.55 = 87.27% of your equity is in the US. The remainder of the 87.88% could be rounding error, or it could be Nanook hunting furs up in Canada (small cap).
The second table (that contained the 87.88% figure) is labeled "Total Exposure (% of stocks).
As always, it helps to first Read The Fine Manual (RTFM):