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Q&A With Andrew Kohl, Manager, Alpine Financial Services Fund

FYI: Fnancial stocks have been on a tear since the election. Are they played out by now?

With Washington poised to make regulations less onerous, the answer is no, according to Andrew Kohl.

Kohl, the portfolio manager of the multi-cap Alpine Financial Services fund (ticker: ADAFX), says banks are going to benefit the most from regulatory relief, with regional banks having the most to gain. Any rollback of the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule probably won’t have much effect, given that firms have already moved to adopt the standard, but changes to the Dodd-Frank Act could bring a range of benefits to the industry.

M* Snapshot ADAFX:

Lipper Snapshot ADAFX:

ADAFX Is Unranked In The (F) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:
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