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Investors Beware: Not All Index Funds Are Equal

FYI: Last week, I climbed a series of stone steps up a mountain. A deep ravine was on my left. On my right, Jordanian vendors offered Middle Eastern trinkets. “Buy from me,” said a young girl who held some bracelets in her hand. “No thanks,” I replied. “I trust you!” she hollered, as I continued up the path.

That was a weird thing to say. After all, I hadn’t promised anything. It did, however, remind me of something earlier that week.

I was in Amman, the capital city of Jordan. Some teachers at the American Community School had asked me to speak about investing. An investment advisor from Raymond James Financial visits the school every year. He offers actively managed mutual funds. But some of the teachers have learned that index funds are better. They have started to say, “No, please build us portfolios of index funds instead.”
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