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AAII Investor Sentiment: As Neutral As It Gets

FYI: When it comes to market sentiment, the latest sentiment data from AAII shows a picture that is just about as neutral as you can get. However, given the fact that the S&P 500 and Nasdaq are currently in the middle of seven-day winning streaks, one would expect a little bit more conviction towards the market. As shown in the chart below, bullish sentiment this week came in at 33.09%. This is the fifth straight week that bullish sentiment has been below 40%, and the 111th straight week that bulls have failed to even take a majority, and that makes this the longest sub 50% run in bullish sentiment in the history of the AAII survey. With bulls not even surpassing the one-third mark this week, the record streak looks set to continue for at least a few more weeks.

AAII Investor Survey Website:
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