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Lipper: Emerging Markets Funds Bounce Back From Post-Election Slump

FYI: Emerging markets funds (including both mutual funds and exchange-traded funds [ETFs]) were one of the groups hardest hit by the surprise U.S. presidential election result. On average the group lost 3.84% from the election through the end of 2016. It suffered net outflows of $3.5 billion over the last two months of the year, reversing the trend of five consecutive monthly net inflows during which it grew its coffers by $17.3 billion. There were several reasons for this mini-slump: a stronger U.S. dollar, an environment of rising interest rates, and newly elected President Trump’s threat of tariffs on imports. As the market started to believe the majority of the risk was already priced into the sector, investor sentiment for emerging markets turned with the new year; the group is now up 7.06% on average, and it has taken in over $5.8 billion of net new money for the year to date.
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