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IBD's Paul Katzeff: What's behind American Century All Cap Growth Fund's rally


  • Less than one month into 2017. Nobody should hang a hat on this yet. For those that wonder, this is the old GiftTrust Fund that had its issues some years well back. Now as All Cap Growth, one can purchase without the trust feature if they wish.
  • edited January 2017
    Okay, U.S. equity "value" was a place to be recently, and now the shine is on the "growth" area. These areas have numerous rotations over time frames.
    Always nice to be in the right place at the right time, eh? The algos are always searching the "value"..........being looking for what is currently under priced.
    The one constant, IMHO; is money rotating from the profit taking rotation into what has been pushed aside for "x" period of time. Much of this has nothing to do with fundamentals in any investment area.

    A list of other funds riding the current equity growth train and ahead of the fund highlighted here: Click YTD column to sort return %$FOCA$LG.aspx
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