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  • Get over it. She lost.

    End of story.
  • @John I agree. Hillary's story is over. I am more concerned with the horror story now unfolding.
  • @JC, well, define 'lost' --- as you probably know, she did not lose or even come close, except via the antiquated slaveholder-facing mechanism of the EC. So, you know, get over that too. Indeed, for the PEotUS, Trump's is --- by far --- the largest numerical vote loss in US history.
  • edited January 2017
    She did lose. The EC is there for a reason you well enough know. I wish they hadn't fiddled with it early on and kept the one Congressional district- one vote system instead of this winner take all the state's votes. The people that live in rural America have just as much say as do those in the metro areas. Sadly, some think they are better than others and that elite attitude came back and bit them in the arse.

    The two of you are responsible for these threads that ignite political discourse here. This is a mutual fund forum and to an extent an investing forum. Can we just leave the politics over at MSNBC or wherever else you participate?

    My last word on this thread.
  • Granted she lost John and just one of the reasons she did was her opponents promises/claims to drain the swamp especially and/or including those Wall Street types. Do you see the irony here?
  • Bingo Mark! And throw in all the misconceptions that were popping up in the last month or 2 in social and news media from who knows who and who knows where (Russia tampering with our democratic process maybe?? no maybe's...), and lets be real, voters were hood-winked. But hell, beyond my own doubts, Trump may end up doing a decent job. But none the less, the process was a sham... no doubt. But John is right at this point, we have no choice but to move on.

    The only question to think about now is, should we expect this sham to evolve every 4 years going forward?
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