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Fund Manager Focus: Anton Schutz, Manager, RMB Mendon Financial Services Fund

FYI: Click On Article Title At Top Of Google Search) "Smaller Banks, Big Gains"

Anton Schutz has one notable feature in his Rochester, N.Y., office: a 380-gallon saltwater fish tank. “There are times when it’s good to stare at my fish tank, instead of my screen,” he says. “I’m all about deflecting stress.”

The financial-services sector has been beset by stress in the past decade, but Schutz has managed to steer his $466 million RMB Mendon Financial Services fund (ticker: RMBKX) to average annual returns of 8.8% in that period, and 24.4% in the past five years. The fund ranks in the top 1% of its sector for every major multiyear period going back 15 years.


M* Snapshot RMBKX:

Lipper Snapshot RMBKX:

RMBKX Is Unranked In The (FS) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:
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