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2016 S&P 500 Price Chart

FYI: The S&P 500 couldn’t quite break the double-digit percentage mark for the full year, finishing up 9.54%. Below is one of the many graphics included in our 2017 annual outlook report. The top chart shows the S&P 500’s daily price movement throughout the year. Months that finished positive have green highlighting, while down months have red highlighting. After a brutal January, the S&P gained nicely from March through July before trending slightly lower from August through October. The post-Trump rally then took hold in November and December.

In the second chart, we highlight the daily change of the index for the entire year, with up days highlighted in green and down days highlighted in red. January was definitely the most volatile month of the year. The big dips in late June were due to the UK’s Brexit vote. The final chart shows the average change of the S&P by weekday for the year. Monday through Thursday all ended up averaging gains in 2016, while Fridays averaged a very slight decline.
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