Hi Guys,
A long ago working buddy sent me the following Link. I have no idea if the statistics quoted are correct or not. I did not verify and I do not plan to do so. The overarching message is primary, not the stats. The presentation is a series of viewgraphs. After absorbing the partial message on each one, touch the screen to advance to the next graphic. I loved it. Please give it a try. Here is the Link:
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IDN6GC5umKRIYBkHazM5yOxP15iC2w8FhS9we7zD-j0/embed?hl=en&size=m&slide=id.p4Enjoy! The stats are interesting, but they really are the least significant part of the presentation. Have a great Holiday season. I hope you all were able to sidestep the shopping madness like here in Southern California. The beaches offered terrific relief and permitted the reflective thinking advocated by the reference.
Best Regards
EDIT: I initially Linked to the last graphic. The current Link directs to the first graphic in the series. Sorry for the error.