Hi Guys,
Investing can be tough sledding. An ancient saying goes something like this ( from a Mark Skousen book):
Sell them and you'll be sorry,
Buy them and you'll regret,
Hold them and you'll worry,
Do nothing and you'll fret.
Investing doubt is a constant with no,easy answers and persistent uncertainty. But simple advice is accessible from great investors. Here is ar Link to a few guidelines outlined by one such great investor, Charley Munger:
http://vintagevalueinvesting.com/charlie-mungers-value-investing-principles-checklist/Munger is really not a simple man regardless of his public image.
Sorry if this has been posted earlier, but it does warrant a repeat, and MFO attracts new readers all the time. Enjoy and Merry Christmas to all and to all good investing success.
Best Regards.
Nick de Peyster