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ETF Innovation A Tough Sell In 2016

FYI: nother record year for the ETF industry is pretty much in the bag. With two weeks left in the calendar year, the U.S.-domiciled ETF universe is on track to end 2016 with more funds and more assets than ever before.

ETF investors have even more choice now than they did just a year ago: 1,953 funds as of Dec. 14, an increase of 109 over year-end 2015. ETF assets continue to grow, standing at $2.55 trillion as of Dec. 13, up 18.6% from $2.15 trillion at the end of 2015.

Oddly, the expanding ETF census doesn’t explain the asset growth. New ETF launches in 2016 have not met with much success. Of the 223 funds that launched this year, only 11 have cracked the $100 million mark. That’s only half 2015’s total.
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