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Rob Arnott: The Emerging Markets Hat Trick: Time To Throw Your Hat In?

FYI: In the rare occasion when a hockey player scores three goals in a single game,
fans throw their hats into the rink to acknowledge the feat, called a “hat trick.”
The term originated over 150 years ago on the cricket pitch in the United King
dom: the bowler who retired three batsmen with three consecutive balls was
awarded a new hat. Today’s sports fans have evolved the practice into liter
Finally pummeling the goal maker with hundreds of hats. What has not evolved,
however, is the rarity of the achievement.
Just as the unusual occurrence of three goals triggers the throwing of hats into
the hockey rink, today’s similarly rare combination of exceptional valuation levels,
depressed currencies, and powerful momentum—both price and economic—
should encourage long-term investors to “throw their hats” into the emerging
markets rink.
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