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Forget 20,000, What About S&P $20 Trillion?

FYI: Dow 20,000 is currently the “talk of the Street” with the index trading less than 100 points from this psychological milestone that has never been reached. But a much less widely followed milestone that also has a “20-handle” has come into play during the “Trump Rally” as well. What is it?

Last Wednesday, the combined market cap of the S&P 500’s members crossed $20 trillion for the first time ever. Below is a chart showing the S&P 500’s market cap going back to the turn of the millennium. After touching a low of $6.1 trillion at the lows of the Financial Crisis in early 2009, the S&P’s market cap has risen by more than $14 trillion to its current level of $20.2 trillion. Beat that Dow 20,000.
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