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Janus Enterprise Fund closing to new investors

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Janus Investment Fund

Janus Enterprise Fund

Supplement dated December 9, 2016

to Currently Effective Prospectuses

Effective at the close of business on January 27, 2017, the following is added to the Shareholder’s Guide (or Shareholder’s Manual if you hold Class D Shares) of the Prospectuses following the “Redemptions” section.


The Fund has limited sales of its shares because Janus Capital and the Trustees believe continued sales are not in the best interests of the Fund. Sales to new investors have generally been discontinued; however, investors who meet certain criteria described below may be able to purchase shares of the Fund. You may be required to demonstrate eligibility to purchase shares of the Fund before your investment is accepted. If you are a current Fund shareholder and close an existing Fund account, you may not be able to make additional investments in the Fund unless you meet one of the specified criteria. The Fund may resume sales of its shares at some future date, but it has no present intention to do so.

Investors who meet the following criteria may be able to invest in the Fund: (i) existing shareholders invested in the Fund are permitted to continue to purchase shares through their existing Fund accounts (and, for shareholders of Class D Shares, by opening new Fund accounts) and to reinvest any dividends or capital gains distributions in such accounts, absent highly unusual circumstances; (ii) registered investment advisers (“RIAs”) may continue to invest in the Fund through an existing omnibus account at a financial institution and/or intermediary on behalf of clients who are current Fund shareholders; (iii) under certain circumstances, all or a portion of the shares held in a closed Fund account may be reallocated to a different form of ownership; this may include, but is not limited to, mandatory retirement distributions, legal proceedings, estate settlements, and the gifting of Fund shares; (iv) it is expected that existing or new participants in employer-sponsored retirement plans, including employees of JCGI and any of its subsidiaries covered under the JCGI retirement plan, that offer the Fund as of January 27, 2017 as an investment option may direct contributions to the Fund through their plan, regardless of whether the participant invested in such Fund prior to its closing; (v) Janus Capital encourages its employees to own shares of the Janus funds, and as such, upon prior approval, employees of Janus Capital and its affiliates may open new accounts in the closed Fund; Trustees of the Janus funds and directors of JCGI may also open new accounts in the closed Fund; (vi) Janus “fund of funds,” which is a fund that primarily invests in other Janus mutual funds, may invest in the Fund; (vii) certain non-Janus “fund of funds” that have an agreement with Janus; (viii) sponsors of certain wrap programs, including RIAs for fee-based business, may continue to invest in the Fund on behalf of existing shareholders and new investors; and (ix) in the case of certain mergers or reorganizations, retirement plans may be able to add the closed Fund as an investment option. Such mergers, reorganizations, acquisitions, or other business combinations are those in which one or more companies involved in such transaction currently offers the Fund as an investment option, and any company that as a result of such transaction becomes affiliated with the company currently offering the Fund (as a parent company, subsidiary, sister company, or otherwise). Such companies may request to add the Fund as an investment option under its retirement plan. In addition, new accounts may be permitted in the Fund for certain plans and programs offered in connection with employer-sponsored retirement plans where the retirement plan offered the Fund as of January 27, 2017, or where the retirement plan was negotiating with Janus Capital (and/or certain recognized intermediary distributors) to add the closed Fund at the time Fund closure was announced, provided such retirement account is funded by April 30, 2017. Requests for new accounts into a closed Fund will be reviewed by management and may be permitted on an individual basis, taking into consideration whether the addition to the Fund is believed to negatively impact existing Fund shareholders.

Please retain this Supplement with your records.

Janus Investment Fund

Janus Enterprise Fund

Supplement dated December 9, 2016

to Currently Effective Statement of Additional Information

Effective at the close of business on January 27, 2017, the following is added to the Shares of the Trust section following “Net Asset Value Determination”:


Janus Enterprise Fund

The Fund has limited sales of its shares because Janus Capital and the Trustees believe continued sales are not in the best interests of the Fund. Sales to new investors have generally been discontinued; however, investors who meet certain criteria described below may be able to purchase shares of the Fund. You may be required to demonstrate eligibility to purchase shares of the Fund before your investment is accepted. If you are a current Fund shareholder and close an existing Fund account, you may not be able to make additional investments in the Fund unless you meet one of the specified criteria. The Fund may resume sales of its shares at some future date, but it has no present intention to do so.

Investors who meet the following criteria may be able to invest in the Fund: (i) existing shareholders invested in the Fund are permitted to continue to purchase shares through their existing Fund accounts (and, for shareholders of Class D Shares, by opening new Fund accounts) and to reinvest any dividends or capital gains distributions in such accounts, absent highly unusual circumstances; (ii) registered investment advisers (“RIAs”) may continue to invest in the Fund through an existing omnibus account at a financial institution and/or intermediary on behalf of clients who are current Fund shareholders; (iii) under certain circumstances, all or a portion of the shares held in a closed Fund account may be reallocated to a different form of ownership; this may include, but is not limited to, mandatory retirement distributions, legal proceedings, estate settlements, and the gifting of Fund shares; (iv) it is expected that existing or new participants in employer-sponsored retirement plans, including employees of JCGI and any of its subsidiaries covered under the JCGI retirement plan, that offer the Fund as of January 27, 2017 as an investment option may direct contributions to the Fund through their plan, regardless of whether the participant invested in such Fund prior to its closing; (v) Janus Capital encourages its employees to own shares of the Janus funds, and as such, upon prior approval, employees of Janus Capital and its affiliates may open new accounts in the closed Fund; Trustees of the Janus funds and directors of JCGI may also open new accounts in the closed Fund; (vi) Janus “fund of funds,” which is a fund that primarily invests in other Janus mutual funds, may invest in the Fund; (vii) certain non-Janus “fund of funds” that have an agreement with Janus; (viii) sponsors of certain wrap programs, including RIAs for fee-based business, may continue to invest in the Fund on behalf of existing shareholders and new investors; and (ix) in the case of certain mergers or reorganizations, retirement plans may be able to add the closed Fund as an investment option. Such mergers, reorganizations, acquisitions, or other business combinations are those in which one or more companies involved in such transaction currently offers the Fund as an investment option, and any company that as a result of such transaction becomes affiliated with the company currently offering the Fund (as a parent company, subsidiary, sister company, or otherwise). Such companies may request to add the Fund as an investment option under its retirement plan. In addition, new accounts may be permitted in the Fund for certain plans and programs offered in connection with employer-sponsored retirement plans where the retirement plan offered the Fund as of January 27, 2017, or where the retirement plan was negotiating with Janus Capital (and/or certain recognized intermediary distributors) to add the closed Fund at the time Fund closure was announced, provided such retirement account is funded by April 30, 2017. Requests for new accounts into a closed Fund will be reviewed by management and may be permitted on an individual basis, taking into consideration whether the addition to the Fund is believed to negatively impact existing Fund shareholders.

Please retain this Supplement with your records.
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