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Art Cashin: "Trump Has To Start Picking His Cabinet"


  • I nominate Chris Christie for Transportation Secretary.
  • @ Hank & MFO Members: Didn't he star in a "Bridge To Far" ?
  • Trump promised to bring in Washington outsiders, not Washington Bridge outsiders.
  • This should be good, Palin EPA, Christie DoT, Carson HHS, Newt State, and Rudi DoJ, and many wondering 'My God, what have I done?' (credit Talking Heads)

    We survived 68-74, which included political murders, and the 84 reelection of lazy senile fantasist Ray Gun, and then W, so one supposes we will survive this.

    I got grandkids, though, as some here probably do, so the globe and the poor are crisis-level concerns going forward.

    For now, though, the privileging moment in the sun is for the uneducated whites who have totally failed to adapt (much less move) and thus get to have their resentments be uselessly destructive.
  • The dem party is inclusive unless you are white with no college. Perhaps that mentality is part if the problem?

    Meanwhile, the television shows adults crying and lying on the ground not unlike a 4 year old throwing a tantrum. Life is not fair but they haven't been taught that in the government schools.

    The divisive society we see now along many lines besides race is a product of the eight years of 0bama. Hopefully now we can start working together but I suspect that will be difficult for some.

    My only comment on this.
  • Not sure how Obama drew decisive lines, but I've heard that from others too. Probably said by hate radio pundits and picked up by viewers is my guess. There is a huge division between people who want things to be like the old days where minorities had no chance to succeed and now when the law is forced on people to help them succeed. The "forced" response has been good and bad I suppose. I just hope "make America great again" only means economically. Because socially, lets face it, America was only great for the white guys during most of our nations history. I don't think Obama had anything to do with that... did he?

    Yes, you see people crying and protesting because they fear going back to 'the good old days'.
  • We don't talk to each other in this country much any more. Our grid locked congress offers ample proof of that. It often comes down to "my way or the highway" or worse (i.e. physical violence or destruction). Mrs. Clinton offered no change. Folks are tired of that and wanted anything different, even a trump.
  • @Ted, think Christie actually wrote the song "Bridge over trouble water"

    It is the uncertainty moving forward particularly with the troublesome global instability. We may able muddle through domestically with increasing debts. Perhaps another draft is coming up to the 40 years old as we had during WWII.
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