Just received a prospectus and cover letter indicating some changes in today's mail.
Here is the 8/31/16 prospectus with the information.
https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/915802/000139834416017646/fp0021161_485bpos.htmHere is an excerpt from one of the funds:
"...The Fund offers two classes of shares, Investor Class and Institutional Class shares.
The minimum initial investment for both share classes is $2,000 for each account, or $1,000 if an Automatic Investment Program is established; except that the minimum to open an UGMA/UTMA or a Coverdell Education Savings Account is $100. There is no subsequent minimum investment amount for either share class."
The cover letter also states for those investors that do not hold their shares directly with Grandeur Peak:
"...Please note that some distribution channels may retain their own $100,000 minimum on the institutional share class, and some platforms may charge a transaction fee for this share class."
Existing Grandeur Peak shareholders that have their investments directly with Grandeur Peak only need to contact Grandeur Peak to facilitate the conversion.
Had similar experience with Seafarer...
Thanks for the heads up though on GP.
The prospectus link covers Seafarer, GP, Emerald, Aspen Partners and other mutual funds. The prospectus is all-encompassing of the funds issued by Financial Investors Trust. GP is down the page.
Need to find out why I'm missing things like that.