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Bill Gross's Investment Outlook For August: Masters And Johnson Q&A: Buy Gold. Real Estate

FYI: Sex is a three-letter word that has rarely appeared in an Investment Outlook until now. I may be risqué and delve into the forbidden territory of politics and religion, but "SEX"? — Never. But here goes! Actually, my own personal history of sexual edification was probably like many of yours. My mother asked me at age 14 if I knew where little kittens came from and when I answered "the pet store", I never got an additional query or piece of information on the subject. I suspect she had written me off as hopeless long before.

English Translation:


  • I read the first three sentences. Vintage Gross. Rambling, self-centered. Reminding me of yet another reason I don't care for the guy. Honestly, Bill: just put your sunglasses back on and go about burning out another investment team and shut up already.
  • Gross's Unconstrained fund is trailing other "unconstrained" funds. The magic is gone, and now he is relating sex on the topic of finance. He made enough money and he can sit on the sideline in cash, whereas many of small investors may not choose that route. I for one, would question his advice.

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