Old story and od question. I have a fair amount of money in rollover IRAs that I will be needing to gradually / partially live on starting in a year perhaps. Most of it needed starting 2-3-4y. I have recently sold the accounts' broad stock holdings and it's now in cash. I would like to do something other than leave it there. Market is high and may be going higher, duh, or not, double-duh. I would put much of it in GLRBX or AOM but feel I can likely do better going 50-50 w/ DSENX and PONDX. Or more timidly could put 2/3 in PONDX and that's it, of course. Ideas welcomed. Taxes not much of an issue.
The only one in that group that make sense to me it PONDX. You get a 7.33% return. So if it were to decline 15% over 2 years you would break even - a low risk occurrence. The the others return is so low that with even a minor decline you would lose money.
You might look at DSL, PREMX, to add to the mix wit PONDX.