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Quote from Morningstar discussion board.
---Portfolio Manager has not been been updating daily fund prices in a timely manner for years.

--Take a look at the "How tiresome ... portfolio again not updated" thread which was started over three years ago and now has over 790 posts from M*'s frustrated customers.


  • edited June 2016
    Among several other threads from M*Premium folks reporting both major and minor problems with the 'premium' site we pay money to use. For YEARS.

    It's beyond pathetic at this point, and I'm making the call tomorrow to nix my auto-renewal of the Premium site access, because after 3 years of problems, it's clear that not only isn't 'premium' premium, but the emphasis for whatever IT folks work there is on their institutional side products, and the retail folks are left hanging in the breeze.
  • TRUTH.
  • TedTed
    edited June 2016
    @MFO Members: In my opinion, the only way to get M*'s attention is hit them in the pocket book. Further, you don't M* Premium to be a successful fund investor.
  • M* Premium = worthless
  • If those premium members that are paying to receive certain information; and, are not getting what the have paid for ... Why not ask for a refund?

    If they got 500 calls in a single day wanting a refund then I'd think this would get their attention.
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