.....but we know that it does not do any good to lose one's cool; but to regroup and rethink. Frustration can get the better of one. Place yourself in a "timeout" period and recover to invest again. The scenes in the link could be market trading offices, too.
Note: you may choose to dial down the music with this; although it does help set the mood. You will also note one fella in particular who was wound up a bit too tight; and his unwind period finds several entries in this 8 minute clip. Other related clips are available. As before, click the image a second time after the initial start to have your pc be taken directly to the site.
So, if you have one of "those" investment periods; you just may want to save this clip and let it help you unwind in a safe fashion.

Safe Viewing and Enjoy,
However, some of these are fake. There is one which I saw before that throws the keyboard and monitor both of which were not hooked to anything.