FYI: Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. With the Fed getting more anxious to raise interest rates again and a Brexit vote in a few weeks, many investors are staying out of the water and waiting for those final clouds to clear. But while uncertainty remains high and cash levels remain elevated in portfolios, the U.S. indexes just retook their major moving averages while all of the sector ETFs (including Energy) are now trading above their 50 & 200 day moving averages. A very nice improvement from just two weeks ago. While equity valuations remain a concern, would you honestly pick them over the safety of bonds in a rising inflation and interest rate environment? Maybe TIPS and short duration, credit focused paper? But you would have to be willing to put up with substantial volatility to load up on long Government bonds from any investment grade nation right now. Call me risky, but I would much prefer sailing on a sea of stocks than an ocean of Treasuries right now.