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How about BSHEX?

I hope this was not on page 2 or 3 because I did not look. What is sell? hold? and explain or.......whatarya' doin'? What do you think? I saw Bis is worried about the China debt being so high and the IMF also. Funny.....when I was young, they (China) were a backward moe......umm, Mao state. Lots of people couldn't feed ag economy and all. Now, they're #2 in the world......we all know who #1 is, right? At some point, we will have a water spat, I believe. But that's another story. I saw that CNBC----main man said oil won't hit $44 in his lifetime.....pity he's still talking. I did like his red face, though. Anyway, slowly buying health and oil (MLP's). Also, I am sooo tired of the election......enough already! Even Duke's had enough. He's crabby's raining, so mother didn't take him for his walk. Anyway, it's longneck time!
God bless
the Pudd


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