John- thought of your situation when I read this article...
⇒ TurboTaxFrom the article:
"Most tax software companies do offer "accuracy guarantees," reimbursing customers for any penalties and interest paid. However, they often only reimburse for software errors that are "computational" in nature.
The correct application of the law to the facts has always been the taxpayer's primary responsibility, and therefore it cannot easily be shifted to the software. So TurboTax's final "error check" and its "audit risk meter" might provide you some comfort, but these tests are not going to save you from IRS tax penalties.
The tax code and its regulations do, however, provide some limited relief from penalties, if the taxpayer can demonstrate he or she acted reasonably and in good faith in preparing the return. For example, a taxpayer using computer software may have his or her penalties waived under the "isolated error" exception for typos."
I appreciate this site.
I called the CFA and they told me that dividends and gains from invididual bonds are taxed 15% rate after capital gains. Took me like 8 hrs to fix the darn thing... Ended up paying ~ 800 dollars instead of 10K [big differences]
Another options you can do is do your own tax then bring it to H&R tax preparation centers --> they'll rescreen and redo it for you free. If you can get more 'gains' then they'll charge you a fee to process the tax. Thinking of doing this and I'll be very careful this yr.
thanks again
Have a nice week, Derf