FPACX and FPIVX are supposed to be the only no load funds from FPA. Are they?
I see a 2% deferred redemption fee in the prospectus right now. It does NOT seem to be an early redemption fee. It seems to be an ABSOLUTE REDEMPTION FEE.
Someone feel free to tell me I'm wrong. I'll fee a lot better. I own both FPACX and FPIVX. FPACX I have owned for some time. FPIVX I bought recently and was about to buy more, but am holding off now.
Yes PLEASE tell me I'm wrong
This is in their prospectus (page 14):
"2% Redemption Fee. The Fund will deduct a 2% redemption fee from the redemption proceeds of any shareholder redeeming shares of the Fund held for less than 90 days. In determining how long shares of the Fund have been held, the Fund assumes that shares held by the investor the longest period of time will be sold first."
also look at morningstar
Hope this helps.
I'm happy if you are saying there is no deferred load on FPACX and FPIVX, but then M* stinks - which I know it does for various other reasons. I don't see M* listing deferred load on top of other redemption fees or confusing the two for other funds with redemption fee.
Again, redemption fee is different than deferred load. It is regarding deferred load that I'm concerned. Even in the prospectus, it says "deferred load".
None listed on Schwab's website either.
Never noticed morninstar's listing of a deferred load before.
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