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WealthTrack Preview: Guest: David Nadel, Manager, Royce Funds

February 18, 2016

Dear WEALTHTRACK Subscriber,

In these uncertain times investors are looking for safety and stability. For the stock portion of our portfolios that usually means large cap U.S. stocks, which are valued for their quality, strength and liquidity.

That thesis did not work very well last year. Most major U.S. market indices lost money. The few that didn’t were propped up by a handful of tech stocks, the FANGs: Facebook, Amazon Netflix and Google.

Given the headlines coming out of international markets investors were wary of them, yet some of the best places to invest were overseas. The Euro Stoxx index advanced 8% and despite its dramatic roller coaster course, the Shanghai Composite finished the year up better than 9%.

One of the last places investors gravitate to during challenging markets is the small cap universe, especially international small caps. That was a miscalculation last year. The Global ex-U.S.Small Cap index eked out a small gain, besting its U.S. brethren and one of the best performing foreign markets was the European Small Cap Index, which advanced more than 9%.

This week’s guest led the overseas small cap charge with two top performing funds.
He is David Nadel, Director of International Research for The Royce Funds, which was founded and is still led by small cap pioneer Chuck Royce.

Nadel is Portfolio Manager for several funds, including two funds ranked number one in their categories. The Royce International Premier Fund beat out all foreign fund competitors with its 16% plus gain last year, and the Royce European Small Cap Fund’s 13% return led its Morningstar category. Nadel will discuss the outlook for international small caps this year and why investors should consider adding them to their portfolios permanently.

If you can’t watch this week’s episode on television, you can always watch it by going to our website. In the EXTRA section you’ll find an online exclusive with Nadel about how he stays mentally fit in stressful markets.

I also want to thank all of you who are following my weekly tweets. I will be tweeting tomorrow afternoon. For those of you active on Facebook, thank you for contacting us!

Have a great weekend and make the week ahead a profitable and productive one.

Best regards,


M* Snapshot RYIPX:

M* Snapshot RISCX:

Lipper Snapshot RYIPX:

Lipper Snapshot RISCX:

RYIPX Is Ranked #11 In The (S/MG) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:

RISCX Is Ranked #8 In The (ES) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:
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