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Fund Manager Focus: Mammen Chally, Manager, Hartford Core Equity Fund

FYI: (Click On Article Title At Top Of Google Search) "Hartford Core Equity Fund Fund Of The Future"
A rebellious streak and a bit of good fortune brought Mammen Chally from New Delhi—where he was a gas-company engineer—to Boston, where he switched to money management. The lead manager of the $1.1 billion Hartford Core Equity fund (ticker: HAIAX) applied to business school on a whim in 1992, when he was in his 30s. It was in part to avoid going to medical school; his father and older brother had gone that route. “Shows you how mature I was then. I just wanted to be different,” says Chally

M* Snapshot HAIAX:

Lipper Snapshot HAIAX:

HAIAX Ranks #26 In The (LCB) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:
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