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Asset Class Performance Post Fed Rate Hike: Key ETF Performance

FYI: With Fed Chair Janet Yellen delivering the Semi-Annual Monetary Policy Report to Congress today, we thought it was apropos to take a look at the performance of various asset classes since the Fed hiked rates 56 days ago back on December 16th.

Below is a table showing recent asset class performance using ETFs traded on U.S. exchanges. U.S. equity related ETFs are shown on the left side of the table, while the right side includes country and other international equity ETFs, commodities ETFs, and fixed income ETFs.

As you can see, it has been UGLY for the equity asset class since since the Fed hiked. The S&P 500 tracking SPY ETF is down nearly 11%, while the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) is down 15.5%. Smallcaps (IWM) are down even more at -16.3%.
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