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The Top 5 Platinum Equity Mutual Funds For 2016

FYI: The outlook on platinum for 2016 has been lowered since the metal’s prices fell in October 2015. However, platinum is expected to rally in the coming year. Price forecasts indicate that this precious metal should rise from current numbers below $1,000 per ounce to over $1,100 per ounce. Platinum prices have recently suffered from the overall perception that current supplies are far too high. The metal's prices have also suffered from uninspired demand in 2014 and 2015. However, positive changes are on the horizon. The ramping up of demand for diesel cars is anticipated to come to the rescue, as platinum is used in the cars' catalytic converters. The extent to which the Volkswagen emissions scandal will hurt this rescue remains to be seen. As prices stabilize after October's decline, platinum's rallying power will be largely determined by producers and the expected widespread production cuts to come.
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