Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Almost all of the winners in my retirement portfolio were Fidelity large growth funds (and Fido Japan Smaller Companies, bought some while ago at Ed's recommendation).
In Mr. Danoff's case, his major winners were Facebook (up 34%), Amazon (up 120%), various flavors of Google (up about 45% depending a bit on share class), and Netflix (up 135%). Decent gains on smaller positions in Visa and MasterCard, services important to your use of all of the above.
Berkshire Hathaway and Apple were negative and Chipotle was negative in oh so many ways.
Yes, Gendelman was formerly at the House of Marsico. He managed the Multicap Growth fund for a number of years, quite successfully, until "something happened" one day and it was simply announced he was no longer managing the fund and was no longer at the firm. The end. It will be interesting to see what he does with the new charge at American Century. [U. of Iowa alumnus, FWIW]
Yeah, thanks; I saw the list as of a month ago (M*), and was wondering if it still obtained. Meaning how much of it changes / changed given a 45% turnover?
Regardless, the list made it sound a little like a sort of tech gogo fund.
Outdoing FLGEX, no less, not just SP500 and RPG (doubling the latter). Whoda thunk? Maybe he is still some sort of contrarian.
Danoff and Tillinghast are the same elderly age, ~56 and ~58 this year, if I did the math right. I imagine Fido will let them be.
@David_Snowball Thanks for the continual coverage of Sequoia. Are you still hopeful that they will return to their historic investing philosophy or possible reshuffling of leadership that you mentioned in November?
Almost all of the winners in my retirement portfolio were Fidelity large growth funds (and Fido Japan Smaller Companies, bought some while ago at Ed's recommendation).
In Mr. Danoff's case, his major winners were Facebook (up 34%), Amazon (up 120%), various flavors of Google (up about 45% depending a bit on share class), and Netflix (up 135%). Decent gains on smaller positions in Visa and MasterCard, services important to your use of all of the above.
Berkshire Hathaway and Apple were negative and Chipotle was negative in oh so many ways.
For what that's worth,
Regardless, the list made it sound a little like a sort of tech gogo fund.
Outdoing FLGEX, no less, not just SP500 and RPG (doubling the latter). Whoda thunk? Maybe he is still some sort of contrarian.
Danoff and Tillinghast are the same elderly age
The symbol for Turner Mid Cap is TMGFX.
Didn't understand that comment at all.
Thanks for the continual coverage of Sequoia.
Are you still hopeful that they will return to their historic investing philosophy or possible reshuffling of leadership that you mentioned in November?