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Avoiding Forced Irrationality

edited December 2015 in The Bullpen
FYI: If you really want to find a scapegoat for volatility or losses in your portfolio, you don’t have to look very far. The financial media and investors who lack self-awareness are very quick to point a finger after seeing their holdings fall for a number of reasons — high frequency trading, the Fed, risk parity, passive indexing, mom & pop investors, the shadow banking system, tax loss harvesting, junk bonds, increased market correlations, risk on/risk off, short-sellers and the list could go on.

The latest culprit, according to many, is exchange-traded funds, specifically of the bond variety. Earlier this week Matt Hougan over at had a very thorough write-up on why the worries about fixed income ETFs appear to be much ado about nothing:

ETF.Com: Matt Hougan Article:
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