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Closed Funds

I hold some closed funds ( PRWCX, JATTX, VPCCX, PRHSX, VHCAX etc.) Would like to know what others do-completely get out if needed or have a foothold in such cases?


  • Personally, I have footholds or at least meet the required minimum investments in PRWCX, JANIX (non-taxable account) and PRHSX as well as some others.

    While I hold all three Primecap Odyssey Funds since I cannot purchase VPCCX and VHCAX, I would especially hold the Vanguard Primecap funds.
  • beebee
    edited November 2015
    I would continue to hold and add to these funds. Go play golf and come back in thirty years.

    For those less lucky, here's some tips on how to access closed funds:


    Closing Mutual Funds: Investment Protection Or Trap?

    "When your fund or prospective fund is closing, knowing the positive and negative implications of the closure is important for deciding what to do, especially because you'll usually have a short period of time to act. Determining whether the fund is already damaged or whether it's maintaining its strategy, and therefore saving itself from compromising its goals, should be key when you're evaluating a fund's closure. Remember to direct your investments or they will direct you."
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