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it's aliiiiive! The return of Cap Gains Valet

"It" is CapGainsValet, of course. Mark Wilson, who helped mightily during last year's freakish capital gains season, just wrote to let us know that CapGainsValet officially reopened this week. Mark says, "I’ve made some upgrades and the site has been unofficially running for a couple of weeks. Now that I’ve gathered estimates from around 60 firms, we are officially going live this week."

Mark has generously agreed to provide some highlights and commentary on the capital gains season for the Observer's next several issues. He also expresses (entirely warranted) admiration for Shadow's CG thread here, and for your collective support of it.

Cheers to all,



  • I visited CapGainsValet earlier this week. Mark has made some nice upgrades, and I don't recall the site looking so fine last year. Good job, Mark.

    Anyone focused like a laser beam on any important aspect of MF investing is bound to note something we don't. So, Mark--- as the HSA jingle goes--- "if you see something, then say something." By all means, bring it!
  • @David_Snowball - Thanks for the announcement.
    @heezsafe - I appreciate the pat on the back about the additions and site design. I'll share my observations on the site and through my Observer briefs.

    With the complete work of TheShadow, The GainTrain and others, I've tried to make CGV a little better. Besides my Stats and Doghouse articles, I've incorporated additional notes into the CGV database. (For example, if a firm has yet to post their estimates, I'm making a note about when I found their information last season to help set expectations.)
  • @Valet,

    The GainTrain, myself and others are just trying to keep up with the number of mutual funds in your database. I do enjoy your "In the Doghouse!" feature.
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