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Gold At Low Ebb, Authorities In Ascendance: & 4 Reasons Gold Got Caught In A ‘Perfect Storm’

FYI: If a rising price of gold is a negative indicator of trust in the global financial system, then the world's central bankers and policy makers are right now enjoying a glittering authority.

You might argue, and some will, that this confidence, reflected not just in the fall in the value of gold but in the buoyancy of the value of most financial assets, is misplaced. But the narrative of spiraling money creation and inflation that sold easily up until 2011 no longer retails well

4 Reasons Gold Got Caught In A ‘Perfect Storm’:
Gold is suffering a major meltdown. Prices for the yellow metal have dropped to their lowest level in more than five years, and the downdraft didn’t relent Monday, with futures recording an eighth straight session of losses.
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