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A Pledge: It won't be my fault this time... Just so you know

edited February 2012 in Off-Topic
As I mentioned some years ago on FundAlarm, I've been keeping our financials on a spreadsheet for some 20 years now, and many, many times I've had to readjust the various profit/loss charts because the market changes exceeded the chart range in one direction or the other.

When I've adjusted the charts to accommodate a greater decline range, the market has most often cooperated by using up the new space allocated on the charts.

Regrettably, the reverse is definitely not true. Virtually every time I have increased the chart ranges to accommodate a profitable market, within a short time the market crashes and the new chart space remains unused. In the first quarter of last year I made room for the great market, and by the third quarter the charts were in negative territory.

To one and all: I hereby pledge that even though the present market is now well off my charts, (the charts having been adjusted downward last year in the third quarter) this time I will NOT make any changes to the damned charting ranges. If the market crashes this time, it wasn't me!


  • I thought it was Greece but now we know who was really responsible. It was the power of charts;)
  • Yeah... I'm very sorry about last year...
  • edited February 2012
    I'd say next time you chart poll the board members first. Than you'll know for sure which way she's going & not waste all that paper.
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